Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fire Trucks, Veterinarians, and Theo, Oh, My!

Porter is still not sleeping through the night. Any time he makes the slightly noise I wake up and take him out to potty. Most of the time he doesn't need to go that bad but just wants to go outside and sleep in the grass. I have to keep standing him up and most of the time he eventually goes. I should probably cut down on the potty trips but I didn't want him having any accidents in the crate. I worry that being too on top of his house training is going to train him that he can get out of the crate at any hour any time he wishes. I'm also a sucker and don't want him upset in the crate. Yes, I'm still sleeping on the couch. It's so much easier to take him out than going up and down the stairs. If I cut down on his breaks it will help though.

He's enjoying his toddler pool with only a few inches of water. He's not playing in it but likes to get his feet wet and yesterday even tried taking a nap in the water. It didn't work out so well since his nose was under water, but he tried!

He met Indi's BFF, Theo, the Aussie, yesterday. Theo have a very loud, booming bark when he's excited and Porter is very concerned when he hears dogs barking. He's now used to Indi's bark, but when it's from a new dog he's ear go back slightly and he sits and looks for the source. Sometimes he comes over and sits right next to me for comfort. Yesterday he sat under my chair when Theo made him nervous. The good thing is Porter was much more relaxed when Theo was quiet. I'm not too concerned, since Theo's bark even rattles my brain.

His play with Indigo is getting more intense. It's really nice to have a big sister for him so when he's wild and crazy he can take it out on her and she can burn off his puppy energy. Indi initiates play a lot with him but can easily leave the room if she needs a break.

This morning he had his first vet appointment. He was such a good dog! We had to wait for a bit and he eventually settled down and relaxed (after trying to sniff all the Science Diet bags). He was friendly with the people waiting but not overly "OMG, I must go see you and cannot control myself!" He also saw and said hi to a corgi pup and again he was happy to meet him and wanted to play but not out of control and lunging to make contact.

He did very well in the exam room and nibbled on chicken while on the table and getting his temperature taken. Since we have to wait again for the vet to come in, Porter decided to take a nap on the table. I love how relaxed he is in new places.

The vet wants to watch his bite since right now he has a slight overbite, but he said the lower jaw grows slower at this stage, so maybe that means it will catch up? He also couldn't find his testicles at first and said sometimes they can be all the way up near the kidneys. He managed to find one but said it was in front on his scrotum, whatever that means, and a few minutes later felt both.

Porter had no problems with his shot and we are really lucky to have a vet who is willing to work with us and administer just a parvo and disptemper shot instead of the typical DHPP. He only carries the later but was fine with me ordering the one I wanted and having it shipped to him. The vet is also very accommodating and will have the shots administered in front of me in the exam room instead of taking the pup into the back where shots are normally given.  I prefer to stay with my pets at all times. I went ahead and had him wormed even though the breeder checked their stools and found no evidence of worms. I was going to skip it but the vet said that some dogs can be infected but the sample come back negative.

While waiting to be check out he completely passed out on the waiting room floor.

Later that afternoon he stayed in his crate while I left the house for the first time. I gave him a peanut butter and Charlie Bear stuffed kong and left for 20-30 minutes to pick QM up from kindergarten. I was really nervous and as we approached the house heard a ruckus only to find out it was Indi barking like mad at something outside the window. Porter was quiet when we came in, but I don't know if that was the case the whole time or if Indi's outburst interrupted any protest on his part. We will try again tomorrow. One day I'd like to walk him to school, but I think it's too far for him right now, and hot, and I'd have to carry him the whole way. Plus this short time out of the house is good practice so one day I can actually go grocery shopping.

Next we headed to gymnastics where Porter met some more children and their parents. A fire engine and ambulance, both with sirens going, pulled up near us, but the noise did not seem to phase him. One fire fighter was not busy so I introduced Porter to him. We did practice being in the car crated in the parking lot but Porter was not as calm as before. He much preferred to nap on the flower beds just outside of gymnastics.

Porter has been sleeping most of the day, due to his shots I believe, so the poor guy missed lunch. I didn't want to wake him to eat since it seems like his body needs to rest.

Oops! I was just getting his dinner ready and a fork dropped from on top of Porter's crate on to the plastic tray and right next to his head and he didn't even flinch. Indi, who was 3 feet back did!


Joanna said...

Holy cow, I can't believe he sleeps in so many places! Wish my pup could settle down so easily. :)

Rewarding Rover said...

I think it's because he's still in that puppy crashing hard phase. Hopefully he'll learn to relax in new places even when he's a constant bundle of energy.