Sunday, August 21, 2011

These Paws are Made for Walking...

Porter is coming out of his shell. He's getting more frisky instead of wanting to sleep all the time and play session with Indi are increasing in frequency. He finally got off his back yesterday while playing and started playing bitey face back. Indi took it all in stride even when the alligator mouth with sharp puppy teeth clamped on to her cheek. She's being a great big sister!

His confidence is growing as evident by our successful walk around the cul-de-sac today. Just two days ago he didn't want to leave the front yard much, but yesterday he happily trotted along meeting neighbors and grabbing rocks on the go. Pretty soon he'll be ready to make field trips around town. He walked well on leash but I know that is only a stage. I'll need to bring my clicker and treats and reward him for staying close.

Last night was a huge success. I was worried since Porter started napping before 9pm. Around 11pm I took him out for his last potty break and then started playing with him inside to burn up some energy. I didn't have ti play for long since Indi jumped into the mix and then two wrestled and tugged. They are both getting more exercise and fun than they would being only dogs. I know we'll hit bumpy roads but right now bringing Porter home has been wonderful for Indi.

Finally it was time for me to go to bed so I crated Porter up using a treat for him to follow since I have not trained him to go into his crate on his own yet. Ian was still watching tv at first so Porter wouldn't settle but once the lights were off he went right to bed. Despite being woken up several times by him repositioning himself he only looked like he wanted out once in the night. The second he sat up I took him out since I don't want to reinforce him pawing or barking in the crate and him getting out. He promptly peed and then back into the crate he went. At 6:30am I got up to feed him though I was tempted to sleep longer and see how far I could push it. But he had been so great sleeping in that I didn't want to ruin it.

He's still loving his raw diet but does get frustrated when he can;t chew a piece off, so part of the time he's whining at the chicken. If he gives up but hasn't eaten a lot I'll hold the chicken down with a fork and he quickly digs in and rips pieces off. Once we get outside he cleans his face off by rubbing in the grass but I discovered this morning that if I am not quick enough he'll just rub his face on the area rugs. Yuck!

Due to our success last night and the fact that house guests will be here, tonight I will attempt to sleep upstairs with him in his crate. What I need to do is bring this crate upstairs today and have him nap in it and play crate games.

Today he meets grandma and grandpa (the human ones) but other then that there's no other people socialization planned. The four other people coming over had to cancel which also means he doesn't get to meet his future BFF, Chase the Aussie. I'll probably walk him future around the neighborhood. Last night was so nice to walk him around and not be on edge and looking for things that might set him off (like I need to do with Indi). And so far he's not upset to go some where without her.


Crystal (Thompson) Barrera said...

I'm so glad that Indi and Porter are getting along so well... but there is a distinct lack of pictures. Don't you know that a good puppy blog requires PICTURES???

Joanna said...

Woohoo, happy that Indi and Porter are doing well!

Ira would always wipe his mouth on the carpets... I just let him do it without worrying about germs. Gross, I know.