Three different children came over to play with Porter today. The funny thing is, while a lot of the children have been excited to see him they all lose interest so quickly! Maybe it's because he's only playful in short bursts and then takes a nap, but I'm surprised they are more interested in playing in the yard or with QM's toys. However it's a good thing as well so Porter gets introduced to kids but not mauled by them.
QM has gymnastics today so Porter came along for the ride. He's not ready to stay home alone in his crate for the hour and a half I would be gone. The ride over was only 5 minutes but I'm still impressed how much better he's doing in the car. He occasionally gets on his hind legs to see over the seat to the front but he doesn't howl or carry on. While QM was in class we sat outside the building for a short while and after trying to attack some plants (but having the leash prevent such an assault) Porter lay* down. This is so different from Indi who cannot relax out in public and would never dream of lying down on a hard surface. He even was able to meet two new children so that brings our kid total to 5 today.
* I am horrible with the whole lay/lie thing, so I looked it up to be sure but, man, the past tense is so screwed up. I don't think I've ever said that properly since it sounds so weird to me.
After a few minutes I put him in his car crate and sat next to him in the back cargo area. He was a little anxious (panting, a small whine here and there, restless), but several times he lay down and chewed his bullystick even though cars were coming and going all around us.
I purchased one of those water bottles for dogs with the tray attached that they can drink out of. Apparently you need to teach some puppies how to drink from it since he was a bit confused. At first he just sniffed and snorted it and then tried to chew the tray. Finally he saw some water trickling down the tray and figured out to lick it but he still had problems lapping from the pool at the bottom.
Despite being in the crate for 30 minutes or more he was very quiet and calm on the drive home. We still need more practice but I was happy with his behavior so far.
Once home, Porter and Indi had several very intense rounds of wrestling. Porter is really getting into it now and giving Indi a run for her money. At one point tonight Indi was done so she lay down on the couch and Porter kept launching himself at her to try to get her to come down. Indi was not amused. He's been napping for well over 2 hours now after that last bout. Why their huge play session can't happen at 10pm is beyond me. It would make my night much easily.
He still continues to love sleeping with his head only under the couch. when he gets bigger he's going to be so sad he doesn't fit!
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