It was a glorious night. Porter slept soundly and was not disturbed even when I got up a couple of times myself. He would take notice I was up but stayed relaxed and calm. I got up at 6:15 since I didn't want to push it. I think he had been awake off and on for the last hour but he remained quiet and only changed positions here and there. When I finally got up and opened his crate he lay there looking at me and took a few moments to slowly come out. I think I'm going to turn him into a late riser! :)
It's amazing how fast he's growing. When we brought him home two weeks ago he looked tiny next to Indigo. Now, he's only a couple of inches shorter. He still loves sleeping partially under the couch but there's not as much clearance. He was really skinny when he came home, which was hard to tell with all that fluff, but I could feel his hips a little more than I wanted but now he's filled out nicely. He's still trim since it's important to keep excess weight off of dogs, especially growing puppies and even more so with the larger breeds. I can still feel all his ribs so I like the weight he's at now. Witht he way he's growing I'll need to keep a constant watch on it.
On Sunday I switched Porter back to kibble (Solid Gold Wolf Cub for large breeds). He was doing great with the raw diet and absolutely loved it but I started second guessing myself and the diet. Indi has always done well on this diet and at 9 year old she's perfectly health, has clean teeth, and great blood work. But I found myself questioning the claims of this way of feeding and started looking up animal nutritionists.
I found one website which had a very large FAQ that I read through. It really gave me pause that animal nutritionists (who should be the most educated people on dog diets out there) do not agree with the raw diets at all. They are ok with home cooked diets that have been properly balanced. So this got me thinking...why am I ignoring the opinion of very educated and qualified people and instead listening to the claims of random people on the internet (ok, there are a couple of vets with books out there, too, but they are not nutritionists). I do find the claims of the raw diet to make a lot of sense. They just resonate with me. But I'm also very logical and like scientific backup to claims. It's like training. The training I do is proven by science to be effective. Some other methods used are shown to have fall outs yet for some trainers seem the most nature and the way that makes sense to them, yet I discount those feelings because I go with science. So why not with food? One raw website showed the skulls of carnivores and omnivores and compared them to dogs and it's true, dogs had teeth that mimics the carnivore teeth. So that science is something I need to investigate farther.
Everyone says how vets don't get enough education in nutrition so to take their diet advice with a grain of salt. So then what would be the argument against listening to an animal nutritionist? Who would be more educated then they are?
The one thing that caused me to doubt the animal nutritionist's advice/education is she thinks Science Diet is awesome. Really? Come on. How can a food that has corn as the main ingredient and no real meat (only chicken by-products) be one of your top choices?? For someone so educated I was really shocked and it almost invalidates all the rest of her claims.
But for now, I put Porter on a large breed kibble since that is the recommendation by the animal nutritionist I was reading about. He seems to like it ok. And the biggest benefit is our training has increases tremendously since 4 times a day I dole out most of his meal as rewards for training.
I love the teeth cleaning benefit of raw so if I continue to feed kibble I will also supplement with turkey necks and such so his teeth do not get nasty.
Who knows, maybe in another week I'll flip flop again, but for now, since I am unsure about the raw diet I wanted to make a switch. Indi has always been able to flip from raw to kibble and back again without any digestive issues so that is not a concern for me. If Porter gets used to a varied diet now he should be the same.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Beekers - The Cowardly Lion
Friday Porter and I played Crate Games. I planned to do it right after I got back from taking QM to school, but Porter had other plans. Napping. He did pretty well With Crate Games but I am noticing he's a pretty chill dog so the training dynamics is very different than with my edgy terrier, Indigo.
Having Porter sit while I open the crate is easy. He got that almost as soon as he came home. He has no problem sitting and waiting for more treats to be delivered to him. He usually waits even if I pause and step away from the open crate. It's almost impossible to get him out once I release him, but I don't think it's because I've build enough value for the crate. I think he just get comfortable and wants to relax. Even while playing the game he'll settle into a down and I'll have to lure him back to a sit.
His crating in general is doing much better. Two nights ago we attempted to crate him in the bedroom so I can finally sleep in my own bed and not the couch. He made a fuss but not for long and slept very soundly most of the night. I only took him out to potty once when I heard him stirring. Last night was even better. I placed him inside and he instantly went to sleep. At one point in the night as he was tossing and turning, Ian thought he needed to go out so he approached the crate. Porter just stayed down and looked at him, not eager to get out.
Indigo never cared much for her antler chew but I wanted to see if Porter would like one. Of course Indi's is packed away somewhere so I bought new ones. He loved it and surprise, surprise so did Indi. They kept exchanging since the other's always seemed better.
Last night poor Porter has just finished peeing outside when suddenly the sprinklers turned on! I hope it doesn't mess him up and make him nervous about peeing out back.
On Saturday he came to my puppy classes again. I set him up in his ex-pen while I returned to my car for my gear. He whined for a few seconds and then settled down nicely for a nap and was out for over an hour. We did a couple of meet and greets with some other puppies, but Porter didn't really get into playing like he does with Indi. I think he was a bit nervous since he was stiff but I and hoping to see him relax and begin to play with new dogs soon.
This morning Porter met Beekers, my sister's dog. Beekers is a large tripod Golden who is just the sweetest dog ever. Unfortunately, Beekers is really nervous around dogs if the dogs express any interest or try to sniff him. So despite the huge size and age difference, Beekers retreated any time Porter tried to make contact. If Porter was nearby but not trying to engage him then Beekers was fine. I would love it if they became friends so we'll have to do more small visits.
Porter missed his morning nap since he was at my sister's which means he totally passed out when we got home. I had to beg him to pee before I crated him to pick QM up at school. The crate was still in the bedroom but Porter didn't care. He was still settled when I got back and didn't even want to get out until he saw QM.
I have always wanted a water loving dog and boy did I get one. He may not swim yet, but he sure does love playing with his water bowl. He often hugs it as he drinks and attempts to sleep with his head in the bowl. He frequently paws at it and tries to tip it over so he can lay in the puddle.
Luckily I know other FCR owners and was told the Buddy Bowl is awesome. I looked it up online and almost ordered one for Amazon ($20!!), but just happened to find one at my local pet store. So far so good! He hasn't been able to tip it but if he does it's designed so water doesn't spill out.
I'm attempting a picture a day thing and will string them all together when he turns a year. I've missed some days, but I think overall I'm doing well. Here's how I am posing him.
And more cuteness pix
Having Porter sit while I open the crate is easy. He got that almost as soon as he came home. He has no problem sitting and waiting for more treats to be delivered to him. He usually waits even if I pause and step away from the open crate. It's almost impossible to get him out once I release him, but I don't think it's because I've build enough value for the crate. I think he just get comfortable and wants to relax. Even while playing the game he'll settle into a down and I'll have to lure him back to a sit.
His crating in general is doing much better. Two nights ago we attempted to crate him in the bedroom so I can finally sleep in my own bed and not the couch. He made a fuss but not for long and slept very soundly most of the night. I only took him out to potty once when I heard him stirring. Last night was even better. I placed him inside and he instantly went to sleep. At one point in the night as he was tossing and turning, Ian thought he needed to go out so he approached the crate. Porter just stayed down and looked at him, not eager to get out.
Indigo never cared much for her antler chew but I wanted to see if Porter would like one. Of course Indi's is packed away somewhere so I bought new ones. He loved it and surprise, surprise so did Indi. They kept exchanging since the other's always seemed better.
Last night poor Porter has just finished peeing outside when suddenly the sprinklers turned on! I hope it doesn't mess him up and make him nervous about peeing out back.
On Saturday he came to my puppy classes again. I set him up in his ex-pen while I returned to my car for my gear. He whined for a few seconds and then settled down nicely for a nap and was out for over an hour. We did a couple of meet and greets with some other puppies, but Porter didn't really get into playing like he does with Indi. I think he was a bit nervous since he was stiff but I and hoping to see him relax and begin to play with new dogs soon.
This morning Porter met Beekers, my sister's dog. Beekers is a large tripod Golden who is just the sweetest dog ever. Unfortunately, Beekers is really nervous around dogs if the dogs express any interest or try to sniff him. So despite the huge size and age difference, Beekers retreated any time Porter tried to make contact. If Porter was nearby but not trying to engage him then Beekers was fine. I would love it if they became friends so we'll have to do more small visits.
Porter missed his morning nap since he was at my sister's which means he totally passed out when we got home. I had to beg him to pee before I crated him to pick QM up at school. The crate was still in the bedroom but Porter didn't care. He was still settled when I got back and didn't even want to get out until he saw QM.
I have always wanted a water loving dog and boy did I get one. He may not swim yet, but he sure does love playing with his water bowl. He often hugs it as he drinks and attempts to sleep with his head in the bowl. He frequently paws at it and tries to tip it over so he can lay in the puddle.
Luckily I know other FCR owners and was told the Buddy Bowl is awesome. I looked it up online and almost ordered one for Amazon ($20!!), but just happened to find one at my local pet store. So far so good! He hasn't been able to tip it but if he does it's designed so water doesn't spill out.
I'm attempting a picture a day thing and will string them all together when he turns a year. I've missed some days, but I think overall I'm doing well. Here's how I am posing him.
And more cuteness pix
Friday, August 26, 2011
Ni Hao!
The last two nights Porter has only needed to go out to potty once. And I don't even know if that was needed but he woke up, so I took him out. Both mornings he was awake at 5:30am, and although I'd love to sleep in more, I counted that a success and got him breakfast. I was especially happy last night since he had a long nap and only a very short and mild play session before bed, yet he still settled nicely in his crate and slept. So nights are becoming easier and for naps during the day he can often be convinced to take them in his crate. As for random crating, he's not there yet. This morning we'll do more crate games but he's taking his morning nap aat the moment.
Yesterday Madeline and her family came over to visit Porter (and Indigo). As usually, Porter was totally asleep when they arrived and took a bit to stop being so groggy.
That afternoon while QM was in Chinese school, Porter and I sat in the shade and relaxed.
He alternated between relaxing and wanting to walk around and chew on the bird of paradise plants. He was most settled after making a mess with his water bottle and then laying in the puddle. It was really nice in the shade, not too hot and believe me I'd be complaining if it was, but Porter still seemed a little warm or maybe he was stressed. So a cool bed is going to be necessary. It's such a change from Indigo who worships the sun yet would never spread out on a hard surface like you see Porter doing above.
He started getting even antsier and I assumed it was because he was bored and I was not letting him chew in the planters but it seems he just needed to go potty and once that was taken care of he settled down and completely passed out. As I carried him to the car he almost feel asleep in my arms and he stayed lying down the entire ride home.
His house training is really coming along. He doesn't need to go out as frequently and does a great job of standing by the baby gate to be let into the kitchen to the back door. Or he will go look out the floor length windows in the dining room. I think he thinks he can get out that way, too.
I still don't trust him when he goes under the dining room table. The area rug under it is just too tempting of a place to pee and if he gets the urge with all the chair legs there it's hard to get to him and scoop him outside quickly.
Somehow he came with a default sit. If I have a treat or he wants attention he will approach and then sit and stare longingly into your eyes. He has never been lured into a sit; in fact, we haven't worked on any obedience yet. Although I do pause when I open the crate door and wait for a sit, but that's part of crate games. I'm not verbally cueing him but the hand on the door is a cue which I helped associate with the sit by capturing the behavior.
Yesterday Madeline and her family came over to visit Porter (and Indigo). As usually, Porter was totally asleep when they arrived and took a bit to stop being so groggy.
That afternoon while QM was in Chinese school, Porter and I sat in the shade and relaxed.
He alternated between relaxing and wanting to walk around and chew on the bird of paradise plants. He was most settled after making a mess with his water bottle and then laying in the puddle. It was really nice in the shade, not too hot and believe me I'd be complaining if it was, but Porter still seemed a little warm or maybe he was stressed. So a cool bed is going to be necessary. It's such a change from Indigo who worships the sun yet would never spread out on a hard surface like you see Porter doing above.
He started getting even antsier and I assumed it was because he was bored and I was not letting him chew in the planters but it seems he just needed to go potty and once that was taken care of he settled down and completely passed out. As I carried him to the car he almost feel asleep in my arms and he stayed lying down the entire ride home.
His house training is really coming along. He doesn't need to go out as frequently and does a great job of standing by the baby gate to be let into the kitchen to the back door. Or he will go look out the floor length windows in the dining room. I think he thinks he can get out that way, too.
I still don't trust him when he goes under the dining room table. The area rug under it is just too tempting of a place to pee and if he gets the urge with all the chair legs there it's hard to get to him and scoop him outside quickly.
Somehow he came with a default sit. If I have a treat or he wants attention he will approach and then sit and stare longingly into your eyes. He has never been lured into a sit; in fact, we haven't worked on any obedience yet. Although I do pause when I open the crate door and wait for a sit, but that's part of crate games. I'm not verbally cueing him but the hand on the door is a cue which I helped associate with the sit by capturing the behavior.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Fire Trucks, Veterinarians, and Theo, Oh, My!
Porter is still not sleeping through the night. Any time he makes the slightly noise I wake up and take him out to potty. Most of the time he doesn't need to go that bad but just wants to go outside and sleep in the grass. I have to keep standing him up and most of the time he eventually goes. I should probably cut down on the potty trips but I didn't want him having any accidents in the crate. I worry that being too on top of his house training is going to train him that he can get out of the crate at any hour any time he wishes. I'm also a sucker and don't want him upset in the crate. Yes, I'm still sleeping on the couch. It's so much easier to take him out than going up and down the stairs. If I cut down on his breaks it will help though.
He's enjoying his toddler pool with only a few inches of water. He's not playing in it but likes to get his feet wet and yesterday even tried taking a nap in the water. It didn't work out so well since his nose was under water, but he tried!
He met Indi's BFF, Theo, the Aussie, yesterday. Theo have a very loud, booming bark when he's excited and Porter is very concerned when he hears dogs barking. He's now used to Indi's bark, but when it's from a new dog he's ear go back slightly and he sits and looks for the source. Sometimes he comes over and sits right next to me for comfort. Yesterday he sat under my chair when Theo made him nervous. The good thing is Porter was much more relaxed when Theo was quiet. I'm not too concerned, since Theo's bark even rattles my brain.
His play with Indigo is getting more intense. It's really nice to have a big sister for him so when he's wild and crazy he can take it out on her and she can burn off his puppy energy. Indi initiates play a lot with him but can easily leave the room if she needs a break.
This morning he had his first vet appointment. He was such a good dog! We had to wait for a bit and he eventually settled down and relaxed (after trying to sniff all the Science Diet bags). He was friendly with the people waiting but not overly "OMG, I must go see you and cannot control myself!" He also saw and said hi to a corgi pup and again he was happy to meet him and wanted to play but not out of control and lunging to make contact.
He did very well in the exam room and nibbled on chicken while on the table and getting his temperature taken. Since we have to wait again for the vet to come in, Porter decided to take a nap on the table. I love how relaxed he is in new places.
The vet wants to watch his bite since right now he has a slight overbite, but he said the lower jaw grows slower at this stage, so maybe that means it will catch up? He also couldn't find his testicles at first and said sometimes they can be all the way up near the kidneys. He managed to find one but said it was in front on his scrotum, whatever that means, and a few minutes later felt both.
Porter had no problems with his shot and we are really lucky to have a vet who is willing to work with us and administer just a parvo and disptemper shot instead of the typical DHPP. He only carries the later but was fine with me ordering the one I wanted and having it shipped to him. The vet is also very accommodating and will have the shots administered in front of me in the exam room instead of taking the pup into the back where shots are normally given. I prefer to stay with my pets at all times. I went ahead and had him wormed even though the breeder checked their stools and found no evidence of worms. I was going to skip it but the vet said that some dogs can be infected but the sample come back negative.
While waiting to be check out he completely passed out on the waiting room floor.
Later that afternoon he stayed in his crate while I left the house for the first time. I gave him a peanut butter and Charlie Bear stuffed kong and left for 20-30 minutes to pick QM up from kindergarten. I was really nervous and as we approached the house heard a ruckus only to find out it was Indi barking like mad at something outside the window. Porter was quiet when we came in, but I don't know if that was the case the whole time or if Indi's outburst interrupted any protest on his part. We will try again tomorrow. One day I'd like to walk him to school, but I think it's too far for him right now, and hot, and I'd have to carry him the whole way. Plus this short time out of the house is good practice so one day I can actually go grocery shopping.
Next we headed to gymnastics where Porter met some more children and their parents. A fire engine and ambulance, both with sirens going, pulled up near us, but the noise did not seem to phase him. One fire fighter was not busy so I introduced Porter to him. We did practice being in the car crated in the parking lot but Porter was not as calm as before. He much preferred to nap on the flower beds just outside of gymnastics.
Porter has been sleeping most of the day, due to his shots I believe, so the poor guy missed lunch. I didn't want to wake him to eat since it seems like his body needs to rest.
Oops! I was just getting his dinner ready and a fork dropped from on top of Porter's crate on to the plastic tray and right next to his head and he didn't even flinch. Indi, who was 3 feet back did!
He's enjoying his toddler pool with only a few inches of water. He's not playing in it but likes to get his feet wet and yesterday even tried taking a nap in the water. It didn't work out so well since his nose was under water, but he tried!
He met Indi's BFF, Theo, the Aussie, yesterday. Theo have a very loud, booming bark when he's excited and Porter is very concerned when he hears dogs barking. He's now used to Indi's bark, but when it's from a new dog he's ear go back slightly and he sits and looks for the source. Sometimes he comes over and sits right next to me for comfort. Yesterday he sat under my chair when Theo made him nervous. The good thing is Porter was much more relaxed when Theo was quiet. I'm not too concerned, since Theo's bark even rattles my brain.
His play with Indigo is getting more intense. It's really nice to have a big sister for him so when he's wild and crazy he can take it out on her and she can burn off his puppy energy. Indi initiates play a lot with him but can easily leave the room if she needs a break.
This morning he had his first vet appointment. He was such a good dog! We had to wait for a bit and he eventually settled down and relaxed (after trying to sniff all the Science Diet bags). He was friendly with the people waiting but not overly "OMG, I must go see you and cannot control myself!" He also saw and said hi to a corgi pup and again he was happy to meet him and wanted to play but not out of control and lunging to make contact.
He did very well in the exam room and nibbled on chicken while on the table and getting his temperature taken. Since we have to wait again for the vet to come in, Porter decided to take a nap on the table. I love how relaxed he is in new places.
The vet wants to watch his bite since right now he has a slight overbite, but he said the lower jaw grows slower at this stage, so maybe that means it will catch up? He also couldn't find his testicles at first and said sometimes they can be all the way up near the kidneys. He managed to find one but said it was in front on his scrotum, whatever that means, and a few minutes later felt both.
Porter had no problems with his shot and we are really lucky to have a vet who is willing to work with us and administer just a parvo and disptemper shot instead of the typical DHPP. He only carries the later but was fine with me ordering the one I wanted and having it shipped to him. The vet is also very accommodating and will have the shots administered in front of me in the exam room instead of taking the pup into the back where shots are normally given. I prefer to stay with my pets at all times. I went ahead and had him wormed even though the breeder checked their stools and found no evidence of worms. I was going to skip it but the vet said that some dogs can be infected but the sample come back negative.
While waiting to be check out he completely passed out on the waiting room floor.
Later that afternoon he stayed in his crate while I left the house for the first time. I gave him a peanut butter and Charlie Bear stuffed kong and left for 20-30 minutes to pick QM up from kindergarten. I was really nervous and as we approached the house heard a ruckus only to find out it was Indi barking like mad at something outside the window. Porter was quiet when we came in, but I don't know if that was the case the whole time or if Indi's outburst interrupted any protest on his part. We will try again tomorrow. One day I'd like to walk him to school, but I think it's too far for him right now, and hot, and I'd have to carry him the whole way. Plus this short time out of the house is good practice so one day I can actually go grocery shopping.
Next we headed to gymnastics where Porter met some more children and their parents. A fire engine and ambulance, both with sirens going, pulled up near us, but the noise did not seem to phase him. One fire fighter was not busy so I introduced Porter to him. We did practice being in the car crated in the parking lot but Porter was not as calm as before. He much preferred to nap on the flower beds just outside of gymnastics.
Porter has been sleeping most of the day, due to his shots I believe, so the poor guy missed lunch. I didn't want to wake him to eat since it seems like his body needs to rest.
Oops! I was just getting his dinner ready and a fork dropped from on top of Porter's crate on to the plastic tray and right next to his head and he didn't even flinch. Indi, who was 3 feet back did!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Relaxing in the Car
Three different children came over to play with Porter today. The funny thing is, while a lot of the children have been excited to see him they all lose interest so quickly! Maybe it's because he's only playful in short bursts and then takes a nap, but I'm surprised they are more interested in playing in the yard or with QM's toys. However it's a good thing as well so Porter gets introduced to kids but not mauled by them.
QM has gymnastics today so Porter came along for the ride. He's not ready to stay home alone in his crate for the hour and a half I would be gone. The ride over was only 5 minutes but I'm still impressed how much better he's doing in the car. He occasionally gets on his hind legs to see over the seat to the front but he doesn't howl or carry on. While QM was in class we sat outside the building for a short while and after trying to attack some plants (but having the leash prevent such an assault) Porter lay* down. This is so different from Indi who cannot relax out in public and would never dream of lying down on a hard surface. He even was able to meet two new children so that brings our kid total to 5 today.
* I am horrible with the whole lay/lie thing, so I looked it up to be sure but, man, the past tense is so screwed up. I don't think I've ever said that properly since it sounds so weird to me.
After a few minutes I put him in his car crate and sat next to him in the back cargo area. He was a little anxious (panting, a small whine here and there, restless), but several times he lay down and chewed his bullystick even though cars were coming and going all around us.
I purchased one of those water bottles for dogs with the tray attached that they can drink out of. Apparently you need to teach some puppies how to drink from it since he was a bit confused. At first he just sniffed and snorted it and then tried to chew the tray. Finally he saw some water trickling down the tray and figured out to lick it but he still had problems lapping from the pool at the bottom.
Despite being in the crate for 30 minutes or more he was very quiet and calm on the drive home. We still need more practice but I was happy with his behavior so far.
Once home, Porter and Indi had several very intense rounds of wrestling. Porter is really getting into it now and giving Indi a run for her money. At one point tonight Indi was done so she lay down on the couch and Porter kept launching himself at her to try to get her to come down. Indi was not amused. He's been napping for well over 2 hours now after that last bout. Why their huge play session can't happen at 10pm is beyond me. It would make my night much easily.
He still continues to love sleeping with his head only under the couch. when he gets bigger he's going to be so sad he doesn't fit!
QM has gymnastics today so Porter came along for the ride. He's not ready to stay home alone in his crate for the hour and a half I would be gone. The ride over was only 5 minutes but I'm still impressed how much better he's doing in the car. He occasionally gets on his hind legs to see over the seat to the front but he doesn't howl or carry on. While QM was in class we sat outside the building for a short while and after trying to attack some plants (but having the leash prevent such an assault) Porter lay* down. This is so different from Indi who cannot relax out in public and would never dream of lying down on a hard surface. He even was able to meet two new children so that brings our kid total to 5 today.
* I am horrible with the whole lay/lie thing, so I looked it up to be sure but, man, the past tense is so screwed up. I don't think I've ever said that properly since it sounds so weird to me.
After a few minutes I put him in his car crate and sat next to him in the back cargo area. He was a little anxious (panting, a small whine here and there, restless), but several times he lay down and chewed his bullystick even though cars were coming and going all around us.
I purchased one of those water bottles for dogs with the tray attached that they can drink out of. Apparently you need to teach some puppies how to drink from it since he was a bit confused. At first he just sniffed and snorted it and then tried to chew the tray. Finally he saw some water trickling down the tray and figured out to lick it but he still had problems lapping from the pool at the bottom.
Despite being in the crate for 30 minutes or more he was very quiet and calm on the drive home. We still need more practice but I was happy with his behavior so far.
Once home, Porter and Indi had several very intense rounds of wrestling. Porter is really getting into it now and giving Indi a run for her money. At one point tonight Indi was done so she lay down on the couch and Porter kept launching himself at her to try to get her to come down. Indi was not amused. He's been napping for well over 2 hours now after that last bout. Why their huge play session can't happen at 10pm is beyond me. It would make my night much easily.
He still continues to love sleeping with his head only under the couch. when he gets bigger he's going to be so sad he doesn't fit!
Photo Dump, Bath Bomb, and Crate Games
So someone (ahem) was complaining there's not enough puppy pix.
But before the fun, Porter had his first bath yesterday. He was not amused, but he sure was cute afterward with crimpy hair :) He slept quite a bit yesterday and even refused lunch, but I think it's due to the huge breakfast he had. I tried feeding him again at 3pm and he ate happily.
We also did our first round of Crate Games yesterday. Of course the camera died right when we got to the "You're in You're Out" section. But we got most of it on video.
But before the fun, Porter had his first bath yesterday. He was not amused, but he sure was cute afterward with crimpy hair :) He slept quite a bit yesterday and even refused lunch, but I think it's due to the huge breakfast he had. I tried feeding him again at 3pm and he ate happily.
We also did our first round of Crate Games yesterday. Of course the camera died right when we got to the "You're in You're Out" section. But we got most of it on video.
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Porter is a bit unsure of Indi's play sstyle |
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Indi goes for the death blow |
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This was a make shift bed I put downstairs and both dogs promptly made themselves comfortable. |
Sunday, August 21, 2011
These Paws are Made for Walking...
Porter is coming out of his shell. He's getting more frisky instead of wanting to sleep all the time and play session with Indi are increasing in frequency. He finally got off his back yesterday while playing and started playing bitey face back. Indi took it all in stride even when the alligator mouth with sharp puppy teeth clamped on to her cheek. She's being a great big sister!
His confidence is growing as evident by our successful walk around the cul-de-sac today. Just two days ago he didn't want to leave the front yard much, but yesterday he happily trotted along meeting neighbors and grabbing rocks on the go. Pretty soon he'll be ready to make field trips around town. He walked well on leash but I know that is only a stage. I'll need to bring my clicker and treats and reward him for staying close.
Last night was a huge success. I was worried since Porter started napping before 9pm. Around 11pm I took him out for his last potty break and then started playing with him inside to burn up some energy. I didn't have ti play for long since Indi jumped into the mix and then two wrestled and tugged. They are both getting more exercise and fun than they would being only dogs. I know we'll hit bumpy roads but right now bringing Porter home has been wonderful for Indi.
Finally it was time for me to go to bed so I crated Porter up using a treat for him to follow since I have not trained him to go into his crate on his own yet. Ian was still watching tv at first so Porter wouldn't settle but once the lights were off he went right to bed. Despite being woken up several times by him repositioning himself he only looked like he wanted out once in the night. The second he sat up I took him out since I don't want to reinforce him pawing or barking in the crate and him getting out. He promptly peed and then back into the crate he went. At 6:30am I got up to feed him though I was tempted to sleep longer and see how far I could push it. But he had been so great sleeping in that I didn't want to ruin it.
He's still loving his raw diet but does get frustrated when he can;t chew a piece off, so part of the time he's whining at the chicken. If he gives up but hasn't eaten a lot I'll hold the chicken down with a fork and he quickly digs in and rips pieces off. Once we get outside he cleans his face off by rubbing in the grass but I discovered this morning that if I am not quick enough he'll just rub his face on the area rugs. Yuck!
Due to our success last night and the fact that house guests will be here, tonight I will attempt to sleep upstairs with him in his crate. What I need to do is bring this crate upstairs today and have him nap in it and play crate games.
Today he meets grandma and grandpa (the human ones) but other then that there's no other people socialization planned. The four other people coming over had to cancel which also means he doesn't get to meet his future BFF, Chase the Aussie. I'll probably walk him future around the neighborhood. Last night was so nice to walk him around and not be on edge and looking for things that might set him off (like I need to do with Indi). And so far he's not upset to go some where without her.
His confidence is growing as evident by our successful walk around the cul-de-sac today. Just two days ago he didn't want to leave the front yard much, but yesterday he happily trotted along meeting neighbors and grabbing rocks on the go. Pretty soon he'll be ready to make field trips around town. He walked well on leash but I know that is only a stage. I'll need to bring my clicker and treats and reward him for staying close.
Last night was a huge success. I was worried since Porter started napping before 9pm. Around 11pm I took him out for his last potty break and then started playing with him inside to burn up some energy. I didn't have ti play for long since Indi jumped into the mix and then two wrestled and tugged. They are both getting more exercise and fun than they would being only dogs. I know we'll hit bumpy roads but right now bringing Porter home has been wonderful for Indi.
Finally it was time for me to go to bed so I crated Porter up using a treat for him to follow since I have not trained him to go into his crate on his own yet. Ian was still watching tv at first so Porter wouldn't settle but once the lights were off he went right to bed. Despite being woken up several times by him repositioning himself he only looked like he wanted out once in the night. The second he sat up I took him out since I don't want to reinforce him pawing or barking in the crate and him getting out. He promptly peed and then back into the crate he went. At 6:30am I got up to feed him though I was tempted to sleep longer and see how far I could push it. But he had been so great sleeping in that I didn't want to ruin it.
He's still loving his raw diet but does get frustrated when he can;t chew a piece off, so part of the time he's whining at the chicken. If he gives up but hasn't eaten a lot I'll hold the chicken down with a fork and he quickly digs in and rips pieces off. Once we get outside he cleans his face off by rubbing in the grass but I discovered this morning that if I am not quick enough he'll just rub his face on the area rugs. Yuck!
Due to our success last night and the fact that house guests will be here, tonight I will attempt to sleep upstairs with him in his crate. What I need to do is bring this crate upstairs today and have him nap in it and play crate games.
Today he meets grandma and grandpa (the human ones) but other then that there's no other people socialization planned. The four other people coming over had to cancel which also means he doesn't get to meet his future BFF, Chase the Aussie. I'll probably walk him future around the neighborhood. Last night was so nice to walk him around and not be on edge and looking for things that might set him off (like I need to do with Indi). And so far he's not upset to go some where without her.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Pool Party
Yesterday Porter hung out and chewed his bullystick while I watched my daughter and some neighborhood kids swim. He even got a chance to get his feet wet and did great. It must have worn him out since he fell asleep chewing his bullystick. I know he's still really sleepy from being so young, but it was so nice to have a dog in a new and exciting environment with kids screaming and playing and the dog doesn't mind and can relax at my feet. I'm hoping this continues and next week will start working on his mat work to make sure this becomes a habit.
The highlight of the day was seeing Indigo and Porter really play. Indi has been trying to get him to play all along but she's a bit overwhelming for him so it mostly ends up being her bouncing around and pawing at him while he rolls over and wonders what is going on and occasionally squeals and seeks my comfort. But last night he was finally feeling frisky and started mouthing her back and played a good game of tug. Indi really needs to learn to be more gentle with the poor guy. He's going to have shaken puppy syndrome! It was wonderful to watch Indi trying to engage him in play and to see her so happy.
Each time he took a nap yesterday I placed him in his crate and more often then not he just settled down and went to sleep. Any protest on his part was just a half hearted whine before curling up.
Last night I slept downstairs again but a little farther from his play area. He settled down quickly and slept for longer stretches but still stirred several times during the night to which I responded with a quick potty break. Unfortunately once outside he prefers to settled down on the soft grass and go to sleep! At one point he did pee once in his play area so after that I put him in the crateinstead. Surprisingly he was ok with it and spend the rest of the night in just the crate. After his 4:30 am potty break I tried putting him back to bed instead of getting up for the day and he complied! Since I had to go to work this morning I fed him around 6:30, but I was impressed he remained quiet until then.
He hardly made a fuss on the drive over to work and settled down in his crate nicely. I was pleasantly surprised when I returned to the car from unloading my gear that he was still settled and not panicked that I left him. He was such a good boy while I was teaching my puppy classes and mostly chewed his bullystick or her floppy water bowl (must remember to bring a normal one next time). He asked to get out once so I brought him out to demo for the class and put him right back in his ex-pen.
His favorite part was getting cuddles from my friend Sandy and 4 girls who has puppies in class. After classes were over and the girls left he promptly fell fast asleep and did not make a peep on the drive home.
His people socialization totals are looking good. He's only been home just over 3 days and has already met 33 different people. Tomorrow he will meet 6 more plus another puppy! His soon to be BFF Chase the Aussie is coming over. Chase is only 3 or 4 days older than Porter and his mommy is a trainer as well. We are going to keep each other on track with our training and work through Sue Ailsby's Training Levels together.
My goal for tonight is for Porter to sleep completely in the crate downstairs (no access to his play area) with me on the couch. If that is successful I will take the crate upstairs tomorrow to replace the plastic one up there that he does not like.
The highlight of the day was seeing Indigo and Porter really play. Indi has been trying to get him to play all along but she's a bit overwhelming for him so it mostly ends up being her bouncing around and pawing at him while he rolls over and wonders what is going on and occasionally squeals and seeks my comfort. But last night he was finally feeling frisky and started mouthing her back and played a good game of tug. Indi really needs to learn to be more gentle with the poor guy. He's going to have shaken puppy syndrome! It was wonderful to watch Indi trying to engage him in play and to see her so happy.
Each time he took a nap yesterday I placed him in his crate and more often then not he just settled down and went to sleep. Any protest on his part was just a half hearted whine before curling up.
Last night I slept downstairs again but a little farther from his play area. He settled down quickly and slept for longer stretches but still stirred several times during the night to which I responded with a quick potty break. Unfortunately once outside he prefers to settled down on the soft grass and go to sleep! At one point he did pee once in his play area so after that I put him in the crateinstead. Surprisingly he was ok with it and spend the rest of the night in just the crate. After his 4:30 am potty break I tried putting him back to bed instead of getting up for the day and he complied! Since I had to go to work this morning I fed him around 6:30, but I was impressed he remained quiet until then.
He hardly made a fuss on the drive over to work and settled down in his crate nicely. I was pleasantly surprised when I returned to the car from unloading my gear that he was still settled and not panicked that I left him. He was such a good boy while I was teaching my puppy classes and mostly chewed his bullystick or her floppy water bowl (must remember to bring a normal one next time). He asked to get out once so I brought him out to demo for the class and put him right back in his ex-pen.
His favorite part was getting cuddles from my friend Sandy and 4 girls who has puppies in class. After classes were over and the girls left he promptly fell fast asleep and did not make a peep on the drive home.
His people socialization totals are looking good. He's only been home just over 3 days and has already met 33 different people. Tomorrow he will meet 6 more plus another puppy! His soon to be BFF Chase the Aussie is coming over. Chase is only 3 or 4 days older than Porter and his mommy is a trainer as well. We are going to keep each other on track with our training and work through Sue Ailsby's Training Levels together.
My goal for tonight is for Porter to sleep completely in the crate downstairs (no access to his play area) with me on the couch. If that is successful I will take the crate upstairs tomorrow to replace the plastic one up there that he does not like.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Vets & Mail Carriers
Porter met two new kids and 2 new adult women today and did his usually routine of falling into a deep sleep shortly after they arrive. I'd think it was a defense mechanism but he is sleeping a lot all day long. He's not lethargic and he promptly perks up for food and short bouts of fun, so he must either be catching up still from his first day here or his body is hard at work growing and processing all these new things.
One of his favorite activities in the backyard now is to eat wood chips and spiderwebs. He's constantly foraging which means that the majority of his potty trips are now on leash. He's also quite fond of curling up right next to the outside water dish and napping but not before dunking his whole muzzle in the water, blowing bubbles and dribbling his entire mouth contents all over the place.
It might be a fluke, but if I pause he sits before I open the crate. It's also the angle of his head since he looks up at me. I don't think he's 100% connected it yet, but it's a start.
After meeting his new friends we loaded up in the car and drove to the vet for a quick visit. His appointment and shots are not until next week but I wanted him to visit and get loves and cookies before anything unpleasant takes place there. I didn't let him down on the floor since I'm more worried about germs on the vet's office floor than I am about germs at a park. But then that all went out the window when the office manager asked me if I wanted to go into an exam room. I placed him on the table and fed him liver treats as the Office Manager massaged his ears and touched his paws. I didn't stay long since I didn't have many treats but I also wanted to keep it short and sweet. He also saw the office cat.
He was much better on this ride than the one bringing him home. He fussed very slightly and despite just having had a huge nap he even relaxed in a down and was quiet for a good portion of the trip.
We were in luck when we got home because the mail carrier was making his rounds. He was nice enough to stop for a minute when I asked if he could meet Porter. More liver treats flowed as he was pet.
And once again, he is napping in his crate. He prefers the wood floors right next to the couch and my laptop (or next to the outside water dish) but I convinced him to stay in the crate. He also does the cutest thing on hard floor surfaces; when he lies down he just slowly slides his back end out until he's all the way down.
So far his people socialization count is:
Men: 3
Women: 6
People in uniform: 3 (mail carrier and 2 vet techs)
School aged children: 5
Preschool children: 2
Toddlers: 1
One of his favorite activities in the backyard now is to eat wood chips and spiderwebs. He's constantly foraging which means that the majority of his potty trips are now on leash. He's also quite fond of curling up right next to the outside water dish and napping but not before dunking his whole muzzle in the water, blowing bubbles and dribbling his entire mouth contents all over the place.
It might be a fluke, but if I pause he sits before I open the crate. It's also the angle of his head since he looks up at me. I don't think he's 100% connected it yet, but it's a start.
After meeting his new friends we loaded up in the car and drove to the vet for a quick visit. His appointment and shots are not until next week but I wanted him to visit and get loves and cookies before anything unpleasant takes place there. I didn't let him down on the floor since I'm more worried about germs on the vet's office floor than I am about germs at a park. But then that all went out the window when the office manager asked me if I wanted to go into an exam room. I placed him on the table and fed him liver treats as the Office Manager massaged his ears and touched his paws. I didn't stay long since I didn't have many treats but I also wanted to keep it short and sweet. He also saw the office cat.
He was much better on this ride than the one bringing him home. He fussed very slightly and despite just having had a huge nap he even relaxed in a down and was quiet for a good portion of the trip.
We were in luck when we got home because the mail carrier was making his rounds. He was nice enough to stop for a minute when I asked if he could meet Porter. More liver treats flowed as he was pet.
And once again, he is napping in his crate. He prefers the wood floors right next to the couch and my laptop (or next to the outside water dish) but I convinced him to stay in the crate. He also does the cutest thing on hard floor surfaces; when he lies down he just slowly slides his back end out until he's all the way down.
So far his people socialization count is:
Men: 3
Women: 6
People in uniform: 3 (mail carrier and 2 vet techs)
School aged children: 5
Preschool children: 2
Toddlers: 1
We Don't Need No Stinkin' Crates
This is Porter's mantra at night.
I tried not letting him nap too late. I ran him around outside, which is tough since he prefers to snuggle the soft grass. He was completely exhausted, yet he fought tooth and nail not to sleep in his crate in the bedroom. A little whining I can accept, but he was pissed or stressed or both and I just couldn't make him tough it out. I don't want him to hate the crate and I have not had a chance to acclimate him to it yet, so really, it's not fair to expect him to just go with the flow. I've been working hard on getting him used to his puppy area downstairs but I neglected to do the same with the bedroom and that particular crate. Bad trainer! I need longer days.
Instead of torturing my puppy (and myself and the neighbors) I gathered up my pillow and some linens and took to the couch. Porter settled pretty quickly in his play area. A few times he would sit up and whine and I only had to lift my head so she saw that I was right there and he would curl back up and sleep. He still woke up almost hourly and I took him out to pee each time, just in case. A few of those times he really had to go!
Then at 4:30am I heard him throwing up again! More bile and water. His body is either adjusting to his new diet or he needs more food in his stomach before bedtime. Indigo will sometimes vomit bile (but yellow, not clear like Porter's) when her stomach is empty, so tonight I will give him some treats right before bed and see if that helps or give him something to snack on after one of his ungodly hour potty breaks.
The great thing about him is that after those potty breaks he settled down back to sleep very quickly! Only once did he seem a little more awake but a bullystick satisfied him. I think he's still settling in since even now at 6:30am he's napping again. He had breakfast at 4:30, then we played for a minute or two and he ended up chewing a toy while cuddling in my lap but quickly fell asleep while getting belly rubs. So he's sleeping quite a bit, just in small doses; 10 minutes here and there. I'm sure in no time he'll be up a lot more and demanding more attention.
Despite what I do for a living, Porter did have two accidents in the house yesterday. The first was when I took him to the bathroom with me (he had gone out himself maybe 10 minutes prior) and while there decided he needed to go, too, and the rug was a great spot. The second was after we can downstairs from putting QM in the bath. He was up there for 10-15 minutes chewing on a bullystick. I carried him downstairs and set him down and was about to take him out but he walked over to the dining room window (which pretty much touches the ground) stood in front of it and peed. I think he thought it was the sliding glass door but didn't have time to wait for me to open it. I was trying for zero mistakes, but that is out the window.
Tonight I will do the same sleeping set up. And this weekend we will start crate games (Susan Garrett's system). I have had time yet to do any training but I also wanted him system to get use to his new diet before I started giving him a lot of treats. I think the downstairs crate will be easier to get him used to. He had to go through it to get to the play area, which is also where he eats. A few times I have waited to open the crate door until he sits. Last night and this morning he let me put him in that crate while he napped and he was perfectly comfortable. Maybe what I'll do is bring the upstairs crate down here and load it with soft blankets and see if he climbs in tonight to sleep. Then once he likes it I can bring it back upstairs and hopefully train him to sleep up there.
I tried not letting him nap too late. I ran him around outside, which is tough since he prefers to snuggle the soft grass. He was completely exhausted, yet he fought tooth and nail not to sleep in his crate in the bedroom. A little whining I can accept, but he was pissed or stressed or both and I just couldn't make him tough it out. I don't want him to hate the crate and I have not had a chance to acclimate him to it yet, so really, it's not fair to expect him to just go with the flow. I've been working hard on getting him used to his puppy area downstairs but I neglected to do the same with the bedroom and that particular crate. Bad trainer! I need longer days.
Instead of torturing my puppy (and myself and the neighbors) I gathered up my pillow and some linens and took to the couch. Porter settled pretty quickly in his play area. A few times he would sit up and whine and I only had to lift my head so she saw that I was right there and he would curl back up and sleep. He still woke up almost hourly and I took him out to pee each time, just in case. A few of those times he really had to go!
Then at 4:30am I heard him throwing up again! More bile and water. His body is either adjusting to his new diet or he needs more food in his stomach before bedtime. Indigo will sometimes vomit bile (but yellow, not clear like Porter's) when her stomach is empty, so tonight I will give him some treats right before bed and see if that helps or give him something to snack on after one of his ungodly hour potty breaks.
The great thing about him is that after those potty breaks he settled down back to sleep very quickly! Only once did he seem a little more awake but a bullystick satisfied him. I think he's still settling in since even now at 6:30am he's napping again. He had breakfast at 4:30, then we played for a minute or two and he ended up chewing a toy while cuddling in my lap but quickly fell asleep while getting belly rubs. So he's sleeping quite a bit, just in small doses; 10 minutes here and there. I'm sure in no time he'll be up a lot more and demanding more attention.
Despite what I do for a living, Porter did have two accidents in the house yesterday. The first was when I took him to the bathroom with me (he had gone out himself maybe 10 minutes prior) and while there decided he needed to go, too, and the rug was a great spot. The second was after we can downstairs from putting QM in the bath. He was up there for 10-15 minutes chewing on a bullystick. I carried him downstairs and set him down and was about to take him out but he walked over to the dining room window (which pretty much touches the ground) stood in front of it and peed. I think he thought it was the sliding glass door but didn't have time to wait for me to open it. I was trying for zero mistakes, but that is out the window.
Tonight I will do the same sleeping set up. And this weekend we will start crate games (Susan Garrett's system). I have had time yet to do any training but I also wanted him system to get use to his new diet before I started giving him a lot of treats. I think the downstairs crate will be easier to get him used to. He had to go through it to get to the play area, which is also where he eats. A few times I have waited to open the crate door until he sits. Last night and this morning he let me put him in that crate while he napped and he was perfectly comfortable. Maybe what I'll do is bring the upstairs crate down here and load it with soft blankets and see if he climbs in tonight to sleep. Then once he likes it I can bring it back upstairs and hopefully train him to sleep up there.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Porter (yes, I finally decided) had a big day yesterday. Homecoming is always stressful and exhausting for a pup and then add a crazy terrier and hyper 4.5 year old into the mix and it makes for a rough day.
Indi tried a few more times to play with Porter and he started warming up a bit, until he flopped over and knocked his head on the wood floors.
Last night was rough. He was hesitant to go up the stairs, even the set of two leading from the living room to entryway, so I carried him up to bed. This was his first venture upstairs which was no smart on my part. He had also been sleeping on and off for an hour or so already, but did I take him outside to tire him out? Nope. I was hoping he was still tired and would just go right back to bed. But with the new location and new crate, Porter wasn't having any of it.
I have the crate elevated next to the bed so his face is right next to mine and I can easily stick my fingers through the bars. None of this helped. He made such a racket that Indi started whining and howling out of sympathy. He carried on for 30-45 minutes and then settled down. Maybe an hour later or so woke up again, so we went out to potty and came back. He fussed for 30 minutes. This repeats itself every 30-60 minutes. Each time he settled down sooner, but he didn't sleep long in between. At one point his paws were wet so he either peed or vomited water. Around 4:30 I heard him vomit (all water), so we got up for good and had breakfast. His stomach might not be used to how fast raw meat digest compared to kibble and I bet his fussing upset his stomach even more.
After breakfast and a few minutes of play he settled down and took a nap. I tried napping on the couch but slept too lightly since I was afraid he'd getup and get into trouble.
When princess Indi got out of bed closer to 6:30 she wanted nothing to do with him. I guess she wasn't awake yet.
At 9am we set ourselves up out front. I put an ex-pen in the grass and used my puppy cool shade over half of it. QM's friend arrived with her sister and toddler brother. They all were great and gentle with Porter who was mostly interested in eating their chalk. Surprisingly he settled down in the ex-pen really well even when I walked away. After maybe 20 minutes he passed out just before another friend and little brother arrived and Porter was gone to the world the rest of the morning. Nothing was waking him up.
Black dogs are so hard to photograph so I brought in a pro.
When everyone packed it up around 11:30 we brought Porter inside for lunch. He has a hard time chewing through the skin and grunts and whines. If I hold the chicken down with a fork he can yank and rip it off and is a very happy pup.
I thought he'd be up and ready to go but he's passed out yet again. This time I was smart and moved him into the crate so he gets used to being closed inside. He's barely conscious of it, but it's a start.
So it seems he's like a newborn and has his days and nights flipped. Tonight I work on keeping him from napping too late. With Indi we had to tickle her toes to keep her up. I'll also try to run him around right before bedtime and see if that helps tire him out.
Hopefully he'll be awake when the next friend comes over after lunch.
All the kids were great today. They were so gentle with him and (when he was awake) he didn't seem nervous or hesitant at all. Given his breed it's more likely he's going to love people, but I just want to be sure. As he grows I'll have to channel that love into a calm behavior so he's not leaping and knocking kids down.
Indi tried a few more times to play with Porter and he started warming up a bit, until he flopped over and knocked his head on the wood floors.
Last night was rough. He was hesitant to go up the stairs, even the set of two leading from the living room to entryway, so I carried him up to bed. This was his first venture upstairs which was no smart on my part. He had also been sleeping on and off for an hour or so already, but did I take him outside to tire him out? Nope. I was hoping he was still tired and would just go right back to bed. But with the new location and new crate, Porter wasn't having any of it.
I have the crate elevated next to the bed so his face is right next to mine and I can easily stick my fingers through the bars. None of this helped. He made such a racket that Indi started whining and howling out of sympathy. He carried on for 30-45 minutes and then settled down. Maybe an hour later or so woke up again, so we went out to potty and came back. He fussed for 30 minutes. This repeats itself every 30-60 minutes. Each time he settled down sooner, but he didn't sleep long in between. At one point his paws were wet so he either peed or vomited water. Around 4:30 I heard him vomit (all water), so we got up for good and had breakfast. His stomach might not be used to how fast raw meat digest compared to kibble and I bet his fussing upset his stomach even more.
After breakfast and a few minutes of play he settled down and took a nap. I tried napping on the couch but slept too lightly since I was afraid he'd getup and get into trouble.
When princess Indi got out of bed closer to 6:30 she wanted nothing to do with him. I guess she wasn't awake yet.
At 9am we set ourselves up out front. I put an ex-pen in the grass and used my puppy cool shade over half of it. QM's friend arrived with her sister and toddler brother. They all were great and gentle with Porter who was mostly interested in eating their chalk. Surprisingly he settled down in the ex-pen really well even when I walked away. After maybe 20 minutes he passed out just before another friend and little brother arrived and Porter was gone to the world the rest of the morning. Nothing was waking him up.
Black dogs are so hard to photograph so I brought in a pro.
![]() |
Take by Jen Bentley |
When everyone packed it up around 11:30 we brought Porter inside for lunch. He has a hard time chewing through the skin and grunts and whines. If I hold the chicken down with a fork he can yank and rip it off and is a very happy pup.
I thought he'd be up and ready to go but he's passed out yet again. This time I was smart and moved him into the crate so he gets used to being closed inside. He's barely conscious of it, but it's a start.
So it seems he's like a newborn and has his days and nights flipped. Tonight I work on keeping him from napping too late. With Indi we had to tickle her toes to keep her up. I'll also try to run him around right before bedtime and see if that helps tire him out.
Hopefully he'll be awake when the next friend comes over after lunch.
All the kids were great today. They were so gentle with him and (when he was awake) he didn't seem nervous or hesitant at all. Given his breed it's more likely he's going to love people, but I just want to be sure. As he grows I'll have to channel that love into a calm behavior so he's not leaping and knocking kids down.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Party of Five
Our family is now complete. Puppy is home, still nameless.
The short list was Dugan, Sullivan, and Porter. This afternoon I was all for Sullivan but this evening I'm feeling Porter. Candy said there is a FCR named Dugan who is well known, so that is giving me second thoughts on that name. Right now he's "Puppy".
The ride home was noisy. He's crated for safety and he let us know he was lonely. When we got home I put Indi in the kitchen and then brought the pup in and put him in his puppy area. I turned on the video camera (yes, I'm a huge training nerd), leashed Indi, and did CC and LAT as we walked closer to the puppy area.
Overall, Indi did amazing. She was focused and intense on him at first, but the power of cheese overcame her.
He was very comfortable in his area is I was in there, too, but understandably was not as happy if I left, and even more so if I left the room. Puppy was also nervous out back at first, but that could have been due to the loudmouth terrier barking at us from inside the house.
I let Indi sniff his rear a few times as I was holding him and after a few hours put him down on the grass while Indi was outside. He was leashed so he couldn't bug her. Indi was very intense, ears forward, very tall and upright. She started poking at him with her nose and bouncing around him. It was hard to tell if it was play or prey behavior. But in the end it turned out she was trying to play with him. Poor guy didn't know what to make of it though and was nervous. Indi got the zoomies and knocked him down a few times. Every time she touched him he rolled over.
Later he started getting more comfortable and even dared to throw a paw over her back like he was thinking of mounting her. The nerve! Indi doesn't even let her BFF Theo do that! But she only gave him a gentle warning, which he listened to promptly.
They are now able to be loose in the room together under close supervision.
This day couldn't have gone any better. I really thought it would take a week or so for Indi to warm up.
Puppy also had his first raw meal today. I gave him a chicken neck but tried holding on to it with a fork at first and then my fingers, yuck. I didn't want him to swallow a big piece but towards the end he swallowed a large chunk then I wanted. He snorted around for more so I brought out the 1/4th of a whole chicken I was saving for tomorrow. He was in love! We'll see how his belly does tonight though.
He's the king of cat naps. I think all the new noises is making it hard for him to settle down for long.
All pees and a couple of poops have been outside. Woohoo!
The short list was Dugan, Sullivan, and Porter. This afternoon I was all for Sullivan but this evening I'm feeling Porter. Candy said there is a FCR named Dugan who is well known, so that is giving me second thoughts on that name. Right now he's "Puppy".
The ride home was noisy. He's crated for safety and he let us know he was lonely. When we got home I put Indi in the kitchen and then brought the pup in and put him in his puppy area. I turned on the video camera (yes, I'm a huge training nerd), leashed Indi, and did CC and LAT as we walked closer to the puppy area.
Overall, Indi did amazing. She was focused and intense on him at first, but the power of cheese overcame her.
He was very comfortable in his area is I was in there, too, but understandably was not as happy if I left, and even more so if I left the room. Puppy was also nervous out back at first, but that could have been due to the loudmouth terrier barking at us from inside the house.
I let Indi sniff his rear a few times as I was holding him and after a few hours put him down on the grass while Indi was outside. He was leashed so he couldn't bug her. Indi was very intense, ears forward, very tall and upright. She started poking at him with her nose and bouncing around him. It was hard to tell if it was play or prey behavior. But in the end it turned out she was trying to play with him. Poor guy didn't know what to make of it though and was nervous. Indi got the zoomies and knocked him down a few times. Every time she touched him he rolled over.
Later he started getting more comfortable and even dared to throw a paw over her back like he was thinking of mounting her. The nerve! Indi doesn't even let her BFF Theo do that! But she only gave him a gentle warning, which he listened to promptly.
They are now able to be loose in the room together under close supervision.
This day couldn't have gone any better. I really thought it would take a week or so for Indi to warm up.
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Black dogs are horrible to photograph! Especially in dim lighting on a black surface. What was I thinking? |
He's the king of cat naps. I think all the new noises is making it hard for him to settle down for long.
All pees and a couple of poops have been outside. Woohoo!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
And the Winner is...
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Mr. Yellow! |
Really, was there ever any question?
To welcome him home my friend Sandy gave me this adorable gift basket today. It has an amazingly soft blanket to snuggle him with, a cute stuffed giraffe (that I think is going to see better days soon), a shamu water kong!, an air dog ring, and two "dog" towels so those muddy paws won't dirty up our good towels :) He is so spoiled already!
I also made a trip out to Dexter's Deli and picked up more dog treats, Earthbath puppy shampoo, salmon oil, and a cool leash.
Friday, August 12, 2011
7 Weeks
As usual, some of these pictures are between 6 & 7 weeks of age.
I had a great visit last Saturday with the puppies and was able to meet Mark and Dena who live about 30 minutes away and will also be taking a boy home. This was the best visit yet since the puppies finally came alive. We arrived right when they were waking up so they were fully charged and ready to go! Candy brought out the cat tunnel and the litter pounced on it like a group of velociraptors! But the great thing was seeing most of them dart in and out of the tunnel, even when their litter mates were yanking it this way and that or bounding on top of it. These dogs have no fear. I also brought my PVC ladder and was amazed at their courage. They tromped right over that thing, even when it was 3-4 inches off the ground. Now we just need to work on their finesse since they aren't shy!
The pups are doing really well with their retrieving practice
On Wednesday they turned 49 days old and were temperament tested by Teresa Rodney. I was fortunately enough to be able to observe and was able to get videos of a few of the pups, including Mr. Yellow. Aside from having a high pain tolerance and taking a long time to find his way out of the ex-pen he did well. One thing he excelled at was tugging, which is awesome for agility. So far, he seems like he would be a great fit for our family.
On the ride over most of the pups were *very* vocal in the car, but Mr. Yellow didn't seem to make a peep. On the way back most were calmer. Only Mr. Lime made a huge ruckus. Mr. Yellow just laid down and chewed on a bone. Mr. Aqua tried taking a nap.
Today Peachie Orton evaluated each puppy's structure. Mr. Yellow seems to have a good front, which is important for agility. His head isn't the perfect proportions but this will only affect his show career not his dog sports.
Tomorrow is the last evaluation. Tracy Kerns will also look at their structure and be able to give her insight on which pups have good form for agility. After hearing her thoughts on Mr. Yellow we will make our final decision. But right now everything is pointing to Mr. Yellow. Mr. Navy is a dark horse in the running since in the last couple of weeks he's really been shining. But it's been Mr. Yellow who I've had my eye on since the day he was born. So unless Tracy thinks his body won't be able to handle the stress of agility, I think I have found my puppy. So cross your fingers that tomorrow goes well.
Wednesday is the big day I bring our puppy home! I did more organizing (and shopping this week). Th puppy area is completely ready now. I cleared out Indi's soft sided crate and placed the larger wire crate inside. I also closed the ex-pen so Indi gets used to not being able to go in there.
I pulled most of his toys out and placed them in a box so I could see what I have. I plan on rotating the toys so he doesn't get bored. I also purchased his puppy collar and leash. There are a lot more cute patterns for girl dogs! Not fair.
I still need to set up the other crate in the bedroom. I'm planning on copying what Susan Garrett does with her puppies. She elevates the crates and places them right next to her bed so when she's sleeping her breath goes right into the crate. She can also easily stick her fingers through the bars if the pup needs comfort. With this method she says the pup settles through the night within a day or two. We'll see. But it sounds like a good idea to try at least. And last but not least I need to place the other wire crate in the car and tie it down. It's still missing the crate pan but I can just put blankets down for now.
I had a great visit last Saturday with the puppies and was able to meet Mark and Dena who live about 30 minutes away and will also be taking a boy home. This was the best visit yet since the puppies finally came alive. We arrived right when they were waking up so they were fully charged and ready to go! Candy brought out the cat tunnel and the litter pounced on it like a group of velociraptors! But the great thing was seeing most of them dart in and out of the tunnel, even when their litter mates were yanking it this way and that or bounding on top of it. These dogs have no fear. I also brought my PVC ladder and was amazed at their courage. They tromped right over that thing, even when it was 3-4 inches off the ground. Now we just need to work on their finesse since they aren't shy!
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Mr. Yellow Posing for Me |
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Miss Pink *wink wink* |
The pups are doing really well with their retrieving practice
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Mr. Yellow Retrieving |
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Miss Aqua the Flying Nun |
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Mr. Navy Ready to Paint the Town Red |
On Wednesday they turned 49 days old and were temperament tested by Teresa Rodney. I was fortunately enough to be able to observe and was able to get videos of a few of the pups, including Mr. Yellow. Aside from having a high pain tolerance and taking a long time to find his way out of the ex-pen he did well. One thing he excelled at was tugging, which is awesome for agility. So far, he seems like he would be a great fit for our family.
On the ride over most of the pups were *very* vocal in the car, but Mr. Yellow didn't seem to make a peep. On the way back most were calmer. Only Mr. Lime made a huge ruckus. Mr. Yellow just laid down and chewed on a bone. Mr. Aqua tried taking a nap.
Today Peachie Orton evaluated each puppy's structure. Mr. Yellow seems to have a good front, which is important for agility. His head isn't the perfect proportions but this will only affect his show career not his dog sports.
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Mr.Yellow on the Table |
Tomorrow is the last evaluation. Tracy Kerns will also look at their structure and be able to give her insight on which pups have good form for agility. After hearing her thoughts on Mr. Yellow we will make our final decision. But right now everything is pointing to Mr. Yellow. Mr. Navy is a dark horse in the running since in the last couple of weeks he's really been shining. But it's been Mr. Yellow who I've had my eye on since the day he was born. So unless Tracy thinks his body won't be able to handle the stress of agility, I think I have found my puppy. So cross your fingers that tomorrow goes well.
Wednesday is the big day I bring our puppy home! I did more organizing (and shopping this week). Th puppy area is completely ready now. I cleared out Indi's soft sided crate and placed the larger wire crate inside. I also closed the ex-pen so Indi gets used to not being able to go in there.
Puppy Area |
I pulled most of his toys out and placed them in a box so I could see what I have. I plan on rotating the toys so he doesn't get bored. I also purchased his puppy collar and leash. There are a lot more cute patterns for girl dogs! Not fair.
Puppy Toy Stash |
I still need to set up the other crate in the bedroom. I'm planning on copying what Susan Garrett does with her puppies. She elevates the crates and places them right next to her bed so when she's sleeping her breath goes right into the crate. She can also easily stick her fingers through the bars if the pup needs comfort. With this method she says the pup settles through the night within a day or two. We'll see. But it sounds like a good idea to try at least. And last but not least I need to place the other wire crate in the car and tie it down. It's still missing the crate pan but I can just put blankets down for now.
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