Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Oh Crap Plus Odor (But Not Connected)

Crap. That's right. My perfect puppy has picked up a disgusting habit. Some time in the last couple of weeks he's decided that some dog poop tastes amazing. It's not all the time, and it's only his or Indi's, but it's foul and I want it to stop. I have resorted to management and trying to rush out there with the dogs any time they go in the backyard so I can scoop anything up before it looks appetizing. I'm not that great at it yet and they are in the yard unsupervised here and there. When that happens I and thankful when I go out and there's poop to pick up.

On a happier and less gross note, I introduced Porter to the birch odor today in our K9 Nose Work session. I also did harder hides and he rocked it! Some of the hides were just one tiny piece of food perched on top of the odor tin and he had no trouble locating the source. Again, I wish I video taped this session since it was amazing to see him to an abrupt u-turn when he caught the scent and then slowly zeroed in on it. I really need to remember my camera. After 5-6 hides Porter was ready for a long nap.


Joanna said...

Maybe it's something in the air -- Dragon has also started eating poop. He's gained weight on the prednisone and I decreased his rations by about 50 calories a few weeks back. A week or so ago I noticed that he had started licking the carpet near-obsessively (the cat tracks litter across the carpet after using the box and Dragon is licking up the teeny tiny pellents, I think). Then yesterday and today he tried to eat dog poop at work and on his morning walk. I'd rather deal with a slightly overweight dog until he's off the pred than one who's developed a habit of eating poop, so I think I'll increase his rations again. Next check-up with the ophthalmologist is at the beginning of February.

Rewarding Rover said...


I hope what ever is in the air disperses since this behavior is one that grossing me out.

Rewarding Rover said...

Oh, and you know...Porter did grow quite a bit and even though he's now 55 pounds I think I need to put more weight on him, so maybe he's just really hungry?

Joanna said...

Oh, unrelated -- I teach a workshop about playing with your dog (how to encourage toy play, play safety, etc), and I've been looking for a cute picture to put on a new flier I'm making to advertise it. Do you mind if I use this one?
(Awww, where did that tiny puppy go?)

Rewarding Rover said...

I don't mind. But I think this one is better :)

Joanna said...

Aww, that one's good too. Thanks!

Rewarding Rover said...


Could you just credit me under the photo? Thanks!

Joanna said...

With your full name?

Rewarding Rover said...

Sure. It can just be super tiny font.

Let me know if you want me to email you the file.