Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Days 5 & 6

The puppies are all doing well and getting fat :)  Momma Hannah keeps a close eye on them but is starting to spend a little bit of time outside of the whelping box. Their eyes are still closed, but look like they might be opening soon.  We'll be visiting on Sunday, so excited!! So you'll see a ton more pictures.

Keeping watch on her babies

Mr. Brown, Day 5

Mr. Navy, Day 5

Mr. Yellow, Day 5

Mr. Lime & Mr. Navy, Day 6
Better shot of Mr. Lime's head

The girls snuggling, Day 6
Puppy Pile, Day 6

1 comment:

Sophie said...

They all look so adorable! I can't wait to see them when they're up and about - puppies are cuter to me when they are actually puppies, not potatoes :)