...Porter's first trip to grandma and grandpa's house going so well.
Even though the car ride was a little longer than he's used to, Porter stayed relaxed and down the entire ride. I wish I could say the same for Indigo. She hates the car but tolerates it. I think it's the noise most of all but sudden movements freak her out as well. If it's a smooth ride she will lie down and try to rest but that was shattered when someone swerved into our lane and we had to jerk our car out of the way. Indi uses a doggie seat belt so she didn't go anywhere, but her bed went flying out from under her (darn leather seats) and she refused to lie down the rest of the trip.
Here she is before the incident...not 100% happy, but if she's down that's a huge step for her.
This is what she looked like on the ride back home. She does not forgot scary events and refused to lie down even though she was tired. She tried her best to sleep with her neck craned up the entire time.
Since Porter is still young and mischievous and grandma is not a dog lover, Porter was mostly kept on leash. I was impressed how well he did when I tethered him in different parts of the house.
Bedtime went off without a hitch. He's so comfortable and familiar with his crate that I don't think he even noticed or cared it was in another house. He slept all night and woke up around the normal time.
Porter's favorite part of Thanksgiving was when his cousin Zeus, the Puggle, came over for the day. Zeus is a year old and the two got along swimmingly. Indi was not too thrilled to have Zeus around but it was manageable. If Zeus was off leash we put Indi behind a gate. When Zeus was held in someone's lap Indi was able to walk around freely. She didn't want any contact with him, much to his dismay, but it's all about babysteps.
Porter will get a reunion with Zeus at Christmas, during which time Indi will stay with her BFF Theo )the adorable Aussie) since another 1 year old cousin (Frenchie mix) will be there and two strange adolescent males will just be too much for Indi to handle. It wouldn't be fair to expect her to deal with that for several days. She'd be stressed and so would I.
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