Today seemed like a good day to give Porter a bath; his third one so far. The first two didn't go over so well, but I got the job done.
This time Porter was a little better. He voluntarily walked into the shower a few times to check it out as I was getting ready. Before I started I teased him with the water stream a little and got him to play with it a little like he does in the backyard. That was a huge success.
He only tried pawing at the glass door twice, but he still wasn't loving the experience.
After the bath was over I crated him so I could blow dry my hair and after a few minutes he began to fuss. Maybe he was cold? Or upset I was in the room and not letting him out? Perhaps the hairdryer was too loud? I wasn't quite sure what the problem was but waited until he was quiet and let him out. He was in no mood to stay in the bedroom and was pacing and whining at the door. Again, I figured he was just stir crazy and wanted to hang out down stairs where he is the most comfortable. I kept my eye on him while I got ready. He's not in the bedroom loose usually so I know that it was likely he'd get into something or pee on a rug.
When I finally took him downstairs he went right outback and peed and pooped. He went before the shower, but I guess all the excitement got everything stirring again. My wonderful puppy was trying his best not to eliminate in the house and I am lucky that his has good bladder and bowel control. I forget how young he is at times. He's only been with us for 8 weeks but it seems like so much longer, in a good way. He's a great pup but I need to remember that he's young still and is not ready for too much responsibility and freedom.
Despite being a dog trainer, I don't always follow the best advice. With some things I am very cautious and anal and reign my dogs in more than probably necessary. In other aspects I let a lot of things slip and allow certain behaviors or freedoms I would never recommend to clients.
Porter currently has free reign on the downstairs. It may seem like a lot of space for a puppy but really it's not. The front living room and dining room is where he started and where we usually are. The back of the house only contains the kitchen and family room; the latter which is completely empty except for his water bowl. So there's nothing much to get into if we are not back there with him. Still, I would tell clients not to do this.
Upstairs is mostly off limits. He comes up to our bedroom only to go to his crate for bedtime. I've allowed him to follow me into my daughter's bedroom and play room only a few times and only for a few seconds while I grabbed something. I have not taken him up there and played with him like I would suggest to clients. I will. One day.
1 comment:
Haha, no one's perfect! ;)
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