Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Agility Update

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Porter's progress in agility has been up and down. Some things he does amazing, especially considering how little we have been doing this, and other things he struggles with even though the other dogs are doing well. I can't lie, it's hard having the one dog who didn't do an exercise correctly and looks remedial. I guess I'm pretty competitive. I'm also used to Indi, who did very well in agility classes. Except for the whole the teeter is evil thing. She was older when we started so she already had more obedience training and I think that helped a lot.

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I'm very regal looking...

Porter is doing amazing with his 2x2 weave pole training. I'm taking it slow, so we are only on one set of poles still, but they are angled slightly and we are working the clock for his entrances. He has great drive for the poles and is doing well hitting his entrance...but he will try to go backward through the poles if I am not careful. I need to practice more, but since he's still young there's no rush and even more reasons to wait and go slowly so he's not twisting and turning too much.

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...when I'm not looking like a doof.

His start line stays are fantastic. Thank goodness, since this is important to me and kind of a pet peeve. Does he still need practice with them? Of course. But I can lead out to the second obstacle and he'll wait for his release. Sometimes he looks like he almost self released, but he's only broken his stay once. I can see him flinching in anticipation though.

I've been searching for a toy to throw for his reward but can't find anything perfect. He'll chase anything I throw, but most of the time isn't interested in it when he catches up to it. If there's food shoved inside it works, but I can't find something that throws nicely, doesn't bouncy wonky, food doesn't spray out all over the place, he can self reward a little, and then I can easily pull more out once I get there. Ugh. I wish he just loved to tug his little heart out and that's all I would need. We're working on it. His tug is getting better and he's playing more and more in class.

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Today I used a velcro food pouch with a strap and that worked well. He tugged it a bit, he chased it a bit...if I keep practicing it might work ok. I also bought a rip and tug ball from Clean Run (in addition to 50,000 other things). It's shaped like a ball on a string but the ball can be ripped into two pieces and inside is a velcro pouch you can put food in. Indi will love it. Hopefully Porter will, too.

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Yesterday Porter did much better about taking two obstacles without trying to cling by my side, thereby squeezing past the second obstacle. It did help that I did a lead out half way to the second obstacle. I also threw a toy (a new orbee ball on a string) so he was looking forward for his reward and not coming to me for it. We need a lot more practice with this and without me leading out so he learns to take his line and not cut over to heel position.

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Next we did the same two obstacles (hoops, if you want to know), but after the second we did a 180, bypassed the closest hoop and run back and took the first one again. The first time I didn't turn soon enough and he kept running out ahead, but I called him and got him back to me and on track. The second time (other side) he did great! I was happy that both times he took the last hoop fine and didn't cling to my side.

Serious Dogs are Serious
Picture Taking is Serious Business

We worked on a lower dog walk as well. Whenever we approach any obstacle, Porter is raring to go. He sees an obstacle and just wants to take it, so I have to be mindful of that as we wait our turn. But then of course when I released him he kept just walking past it instead! I don't know what was going through his head. Finally he got on...he's not scared luckily and he kept his hind end perfectly on the board.

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So serious we can't even look at you.

Despite being fine with the dogwalk Porter has issues with the car ramp I got. I think in part it's the steep incline, the carpet which is has less traction than the sandpaper ramps, and the fact that there's a little give and wobble when he climbs up. If I don't have good enough treats he refuses to go up. Sometimes even with great treats he's hesitant. When he's hungry and I let him call the shots he's so much better and was dashing up the ramp repeatedly.

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Tomorrow we have a private session with another trainer who Indi and I have taken classes with in the past. Porter and I need more practice time and more instruction and I think it can be good to try out different trainers. Plus it will get us out to a new location.

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
This is Porter sleeping. Yes, with his eyes open! Creepy.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

What a big, beautiful boy he is now! I like reading the agility updates.

I made a food toy by sewing corduroy rectangles together with a velcro flap closing over the treat pocket. There's also a velcro pocket at the bottom in which I put a small rock, adding just enough weight for me to be able to throw it quite far.