Our mushing gear is here and we are practicing getting used to it all. This weekend we re waking up at the crack of dawn to meet some other mushers in town and go out together. If I take both wheels off the scooter I can just get it into the car.
The biggest news this summer was that I had Porter neutered. It was a tough decision but I knew I would be doing it eventually. His recovery was really slow though. I felt bad for the poor boy since his scrotum was really swollen. It must not have hurt though since Porter didn't seem to care. He was really great about just napping all day long.
After a week of no activity he injured himself. I was filling a water balloon for my daughter and was about to carry it out front, away from the dogs. Porter noticed it and thought it was a new ball for him. In his excitement to rush out the doggie door first, he slipped and scraped his underside on the doggie door which opened up part of his incision.
Finally at about 2 weeks out his incision site looked closed, but still needed to heal more. I took him on his first walk in two weeks and that burst the dam. Prior to this he was content to just lounge around the house and sleep all day. I wash impressed he wasn't begging to go out and play. But once he got the taste of the good life he used to know he was eager to rejoin it right then and there!
Three weeks after his surgery we went in for a booster shot he needed. The scale said he lost 3 pounds since he was neutered. Three pounds in 3 weeks! I told Ian that Porter must have had balls of steel. Poor guy...but no longer!